Conditions and order of acceptance of manuscripts

Expert board:

  • Scientific Council of RAS on economic history;
  • Research and Educational Center «The economic history of Central Russia and the Middle Volga region» of Ogarev Mordovia State University;
  • Center of Economic History of  Lomonosov Moscow State University

Certificate of registration


ISSN 2409-630X

The journal was set up in 2005

Certificate of registration PI № FS77-48742 of February 28, 2012



«Economic History» (2024y. №67)

A new journal number




1. The editorial office accepts  for publication materials on the sections of the journal in Russian:  07.00.00 – Historical sciences and Archeology;

The planned rubrics:

The methodological choice in contemporary historical and economic researches.

The modernization paradigms in the economic history of Russia.

State economic policy: history, the current practice and prospects.

Russian industrial heritage.

«Life Story» of the provincial entrepreneurship.

The Agrarian History.

The territory of the distribution of the magazine: Russian Federation, foreign countries.

Scientific articles are accepted within a year and, in case of positive results of independent expertise, are included in the next issue of the journal in the order they are received. To improve the quality of the journal, all articles submitting to the editorial office are checked for plagiarism.

2. The  journal  publishes  articles,  exhibiting  a  high  degree  scientific  originality,  theoretical  and  practical  significance. In the article should be presented the main results of the research. Their authors may be academic researchers, doctoral students, graduate students, applicants.

3. The following materials are submitted to the editors of the journal:

  • the author's application addressed to the chief editor;
  • printed version of the document formatted in accordance with the requirements to an article;
  • a set of computer files;
  • the license agreement;
  • an expert opinion.

4. The materials received in the editorial office are registered, and within two weeks the confirmation of receipt of the article is sent to the author (authors).

5. The articles that do not comply with the conditions of clause 3 shall not be considered.










© Ogarev Mordovia State University. History and Sociology Institute, 2017

68, Of. 411, Bolshevistskaya St., 430005, The editorial office of the scholarly journal «Russian Journal of Economic History»

Tel.: (8342) 24-25-90; 27-07-11, Fax: (8342) 24-25-90, E-mail:

Designed by A. Napalkov, Email: