Экономическая историЯ
Russian Journal of Economic History
ISSN 2409-630X (Print)
ISSN 2618-916X (Online)
Expert board:
Certificate of registration
Nikolay M. Arsentyev1, Viktor M. Arsentyev2, Ekaterina A. Averyanova3
1, 2, 3 National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia)
1 е-mail: director_isi@bk.ru
2 е-mail: vicars@bk.ru
3 е-mail: averyanova-morm@mail.ru
Continuing the traditions of studying agrarian history: current trends in the development of scientific direction on the results of the XXXIX session of the Symposium on Agrarian History of Eastern Europe “Agrarian communities in the X–XXI centuries: spatial organization, management, adaptation practices”
The publication summarizes the results of the XXXIX session of the Symposium on Agrarian History of Eastern Europe “Agrarian Communities in the X–XXI centuries: spatial organization, management, adaptation practices”, which was held in Saransk on September 20–21, 2024. This event is a serial scientific conference, which has been regularly held since 1958, being one of the oldest and most authoritative forums of professional historians in our country. The issues and topics discussed during the conference were analyzed in the context of the key directions in the development of agrarian history.
© Ogarev Mordovia State University. History and Sociology Institute, 2017
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