Экономическая историЯ
Russian Journal of Economic History
ISSN 2409-630X (Print)
ISSN 2618-916X (Online)
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ISSN 2409-630X (Print), ISSN 2618-916X (Online)
DOI: 10.24412/2409-630X.067.020.202404.360-377
Yuri Yu. Gvozdkov
(Ulyanovsk, Russia),
e-mail: iskatel68@yandex.ru
Ruble Control through the Use of Intraplant Settlement Checks at the Volodarsky Plant No. 3 in the 1930s of the 20th century
Introduction. The study focuses on the issues of the appearance and use of intraplant settlement checks at the Volodarsky Plant No. 3 located in Ulyanovsk, Middle Volga Region, in the early 1930s, within the framework of the introduction of the intraplant for-profit model with the further increase in its efficiency, and the implementation of credit reform in the country. At the same time, general problems of the introduction and use of settlement checks at industrial enterprises of the USSR are touched upon. The study is aimed at determination of causes, conditions, features of the appearance and functions of intraplant settlement checks at a particular state industrial enterprise in the Middle Volga Region within the framework of national economic processes, and at assessing the results of the practical application of these checks.
Materials and Methods. The study is based on archival materials and periodicals, including regional ones, which provide information on the introduction and use of intraplant settlement checks at the Volodarsky Plant No. 3, on their functions. This data was analyzed and systematized.
Results. It was established that the introduction of intraplant settlement checks at the designated plant was aimed at controlling the finances of the enterprise’s divisions during the practical implementation of the credit reform, which, in its turn, implied the effective implementation of the for-profit model at industrial enterprises. These checks were used only at enterprises between those of its divisions that were transferred to the for-profit model, did not go beyond these enterprises and did not replace monetary means.
Discussion and Conclusion. The obtained results of the study indicate that the introduction of intraplant settlement checks at the Volodarsky Plant No. 3 in those divisions where the workshops were transferred to the for-profit model contributed to an increase in the efficiency of their production activities. At the same time, in many ways, the incompleteness of the enterprise’s transition to the for-profit model and the complexity of the settlement check system led to the cessation of the use of these checks.
Keywords: industrialization, credit reform, for-profit model, industrial enterprise, intraplant settlement checks.
For citation: Gvozdkov Yu. Yu. Ruble Control through the Use of Intraplant Settlement Checks at the Volodarsky Plant No. 3 in the 1930s of the 20th century. Economicheskaya istoriya = Russian Journal of Economic History. 2024; 20(4): 360–377. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.24412/2409-630X.067.020.202404.360-377.
© Ogarev Mordovia State University. History and Sociology Institute, 2017
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